Biography david vitter for governor race

United States Senate

Vitter was born May 3, , in New Orleans, La. He received his A.B. from Harvard University in and a B.A. from Oxford University (as a Rhodes Scholar) in Vitter went on to receive his Tulane Law School in See more.
biography david vitter for governor race

Biography david vitter for governor race

See more about Former Sen. David Vitter - R Louisiana, Retired, including dates served, biography, salaries paid, personal financial disclosures, staff directories and other .


Overcoming an embarrassing sex scandal eight years ago, Vitter is considered one of the most powerful politicians in the state and a front-runner in the Louisiana governor's .

U.S. Senate delegation from Louisiana
David Vitter lost the governor’s race, after being favored to win, and then didn’t run for reelection to the U.S. Senate in But he remains present in Louisiana politics.